
The Stoltenberg Blog

Healthcare IT insights for competitive value-based care strategy

The Buzz Around What If...?

By Shana Tachikawa

The What If For Health IT? campaign poses a series of questions that address ideal scenarios to solving IT problems that ultimately lead to increased productivity and financial performance, and improved care.

Stoltenberg Consulting created the What If? campaign with the hopes of engaging the industry to dare to ask how we can achieve HIT's future.

Find out more about What If here: http://prn.to/1lywkY3

Examples of questions are:

  • What if small changes had multi-million dollar savings?
  • What if you knew the departments causing A/R delays?
  • What if clinicians had information for decisions before needing it?
  • What if patient wait times could be tracked across the enterprise?
  • What if you knew the most cost effective way to deliver service?

It excites us to see all the visions of the future of healthcare IT. For those submitting What If...? questions in person, check out how our board is progressing.

Photo: Stoltenberg Consulting

Photo: Stoltenberg Consulting

Photo: Stoltenberg Consulting