
Consultant Development Program

Well-Rounded Health IT Consultant I Analyst

The program presents a "win-win" situation for the hospital as well as the Consultant I analyst:

  • Hospital teams benefit from an eager healthcare technology consultant whose extensive hands-on training provides the ability to quickly get up to speed on current projects and the flexibility to work easily and comfortably with a variety of situations and teams. Once the one-year contract is completed, hospitals have the option to hire the consultant permanently, allowing them the unique opportunity to "try before they buy." Some restrictions apply. Contact our office for more information.

  • The Consultant I analyst receives extensive training and is then given access to experienced
    HIT professionals, resources and programs that typically are not made available to first-year consultants.

See what our Consultant I analysts are saying about the program.

"When I graduated college, I was not sure what career path I wanted to follow but as soon as an opportunity opened up with Stoltenberg for a Consultant I analyst position I was eager to take it. I became a part of the Stoltenberg family in the fall of 2011. Working for Stoltenberg has been a great experience so far. Everyone has been very welcoming, and I have received continuous support from management and fellow consultants. My work is impacting the healthcare industry by making processes more efficient and improving patient care. It has been a challenging, yet very rewarding career so far, and I am excited to be a part of such an innovative process!"

"I knew in my sophomore year of high school that healthcare was the field that I wanted to be employed in. I didn't know which area of healthcare I would study, but I knew that I wanted to be involved with creating greater opportunities for improved patient outcomes. I graduated from Ohio Northern University in May 2011 where I obtained my BSBA in Pharmaceutical Business Management. The program taught me both business acumen as well as the healthcare industry. During my final year at ONU, I was introduced to the healthcare information technology industry by Stoltenberg Consulting's CEO, Sheri Stoltenberg. After having some in-depth conversations with Sheri and some of SCI's consultants, I knew that this was the field that I wanted to pursue. The passion of everyone I spoke with was unmistakable."

"SCI took a chance on me, a recent college graduate, something they had never done before and sent me to Epic training in Verona, Wisconsin where I learned how to build electronic health records (EHRs). I have attained three Epic certifications and have learned more than I thought was possible. I have been with my first client, University of Rochester Medical Center, located in Rochester, New York, for the past 17 months and have learned not only about Epic, but also about the healthcare industry, processes and workflows. One of the greatest things I've learned is that within the HIT industry and working with EHRs, in order to produce the most efficient EHRs, teamwork is vital."

"SCI's Consultant Development Program has provided me with one of the greatest opportunities that a college graduate could ever ask for. I am just one year out of college, and I work behind the scenes with my team building, implementing, and improving EHRs, every day. I have experienced going through one of Epic's largest Big Bang Ambulatory go lives and feel that I have been a strong asset to the URMC team. Not many college graduates are offered an opportunity such as this. It was my dream to be involved with creating greater opportunities for increased patient outcomes, and I have been given the opportunity to do just that. Electronic health records are the future of healthcare in this country, and I am grateful to be a part of it."

"It is a major privilege to be a part of the Consultant Development Program at Stoltenberg. This opportunity is special to me as it is my first position upon graduation, but even more importantly it is a giant milestone in my professional career. The program itself has provided me with a unique learning experience that is very uncommon in the healthcare industry. The extensive training is one of my favorite aspects of the program and I believe that proper training makes the difference for a successful consultant. The program teaches more than just the specifics for the software, Stoltenberg instills to you all of the aspects of what being a consultant means-right down to the best way to book your flights."

"I chose Stoltenberg because I knew that the company has a great reputation, but also because I knew that the Consultant Development Program would be incredibly challenging and provide me with a knowledge base that I couldn't find anywhere else. I believe this program could potentially cause a major trend in the way HIT looks at consulting during this major push for meaningful use of EHR."

"I truly value being a part of the Consultant Development Program with SCI and think that it will play a major role in my career as a consultant. Today, many grads look at their first position as a "starter." However, I see myself working as a consultant with SCI for a very long time, being able to achieve many goals that I have set for myself as a business professional in the healthcare industry."

"Every day brings a new and exciting challenge working for Stoltenberg. I am surrounded by such a great group of knowledgeable and diligent individuals who strive to meet client objectives while also showing a genuine concern for my professional development. The Consultant Development Program established a solid foundation for my career as a healthcare IT consultant, providing professional growth and continuing education through application training. I learned to not be afraid to get my hands dirty at the ground level when working directly with customers. It gives me great satisfaction to see how my work directly enhances the everyday life of healthcare professionals, with the end result of improved patient care."

"As a recent college graduate, I spent a ton of time researching job opportunities, but I could not find anything that matched the benefits of this Consultant Development Program. From the beginning, I have felt like this company really cares about its employees and its clients, which was one of the biggest draws. In addition, I am looking forward to receiving a well-rounded and challenging experience while working at SCI. In the few weeks that I have been training, I have already learned so much about the health IT industry, and several experienced employees have reached out for support as I transition from school to work. I'm truly looking forward to the opportunities that this job will bring in the future."

"In the last few months of my senior year at the University of Pittsburgh, I wasn't sure what I wanted my career to be. With a Bachelor's in Health Information Management, there were so many routes I could choose from. We had a lot of potential employers come and speak to our class, but none of them stuck out as much as Stoltenberg Consulting Inc. did. Immediately I knew that this was a company that cared about their employees. They not only offer an incredible educational training program to become certified in either Epic or Siemens Solutions, but they also made it known that they don't want their consultants to burn out and value them as long term assets. So far throughout my training, there has always been someone to go to with any questions or concerns that I have had. I know that by choosing this as my first job out of college I will develop skills and have more experiences that I might not otherwise have had."

Initiate Your Health IT Career

Initiate Your Health IT Career

Jumpstart your health IT career today. Gain a competitive edge in HIT with a combination of vendor EHR training and direct hospital experience.