
Taking Clinician Support to the Next Level

With the 3x Best in KLAS Tier 1+ Help Desk, end-user IT issues are completely resolved on the first interaction. No matter the time or day of the week, doctors gain priority, immediate response through the physician concierge line. That means there are no call backs, long wait times, or batched reroutes, which ultimately results in more time for direct patient care. Whether it's an EHR access issue, custom report or remote user desktop support need, we're ready.

When clinicians call the Stoltenberg Tier 1+ Service Desk, they are immediately paired with clinically consultative service desk analysts, and oftentimes an actual RN analyst, matched to the specific hospital and EHR system. During each interaction an analyst makes sure to thoroughly listen to the clinician request to properly analyze, fully resolve, and document the ticket. But, that's just the beginning.

The Stoltenberg Difference

For each clinician, Stoltenberg's Tier 1+ Service Desk analysts create individualized step-by-step instruction sheets, catered to the specific end user. If the issue is an end-user knowledge transfer opportunity, the analyst delivers on-demand specialized educational material immediately. Perhaps a hospital physician needs help with EpicCare ClinDoc for example. She would dial the Stoltenberg physician concierge line where she is rapidly connected with an Epic service desk analyst. The analyst would walk her through a step-by-step tutorial including how-to screenshot documentation, staying on the line to ensure the problem is fully resolved. The customized how-to instructions are then available to the physician, if needed in the future. This attention to detail is not limited to our Hospital IT Service Desk. It spans our entire spectrum of EHR consulting work. But, don't just take our word for it. See real clinician feedback below:

"I had to reach out to you to compliment one of your staff members. I had been trying for two years to get a change completed in the system. I finally decided to reach out and call the service desk this morning and was fortunate to be assisted by Curtis. He was not only helpful in getting my problem headed in the right direction, but his kind demeanor and positive attitude made my day. In a time of distancing and disconnection, one wouldn't think a task needing to be resolved with IT would be such a pleasant one."

—Clinical Educator II feedback during COVID-19 support

"I would like to take this opportunity to thank your great Rapid Response IT Team, who have been extremely helpful and patient with my IT issues! Since last Monday last week or so, my Cerner application would lock me out in the morning and on occasion in the afternoon if I would go and get some lunch. Cerner was so important in the last two weeks for my work because the Patient Care Navigators were part of the Convalescent Plasma Donor project— primarily in the recruitment and screening of potential plasma donors who had recovered from the COVID-19 virus and then in the follow-up. Cerner was needed for this project, but attempting to open up Cerner failed, and it locked me out again!

Bruno was very patient listening to the description of my situation in excruciating detail. He then step-by-step guided my actions onto the keyboard. He told me what I had to do, and it worked! To my amazement and surprise, I could re-log into Cerner without a glitch, without getting locked out and without having to reset my password again. I wanted to let you know that you have an amazing team!"

—Patient Care Navigator feedback

"Thanks so much for your time, Caitlin. You were VERY patient with me and explained everything thoroughly. I started plugging away at my templates today and had no problems thanks to your training. I've passed your name along to one of my colleagues who is looking to start the same process. Thanks again for your expertise."

—Doctor of Podiatric Medicine feedback regarding one-on-one Provider Session support

During the Provider Session, the Epic Clinical Service Desk Analyst helped a physician whose group practice was converting to Epic EHR as part of a client health system's expansion. She helped the physician transition progress note templates into Epic and set up SmartPhrases and SmartLinks for personal customizations to ease new system utilization.

"I wanted to commend the efforts of your employee Amanda. She was extremely thorough in her questions and comments today to help me resolve a timely Epic issue which could have caused charting/billing issues for all members of my team. I appreciated her dedication to learning as much information as possible and her patience as she assisted me. Please acknowledge her strong efforts."

—Medical Group Clinical Care Social Work Manager feedback

Answering the Call:
A One-On-One With
An IT Service Desk
Clinical Nurse Analyst

Answering the Call:
A One-On-One With
An IT Service Desk
Clinical Nurse Analyst

To provide a deeper lens into an analyst on the other side of the call line, we sat down with one of our Senior Epic Clinical Nurse Analysts for a one-on-one interview.

"I had an issue with the Philips monitor and Epic communicating vitals all night during my shift. I placed calls to Bio med and the Philips service team. To make a long story short, I got nowhere despite re-calling and trying to escalate this issue. I decided to make one last call to the service desk instead to ensure somebody was aware of the issue, so day shift would not have the same problem. I was lucky enough to get Cindy. Cindy is such a breath of fresh air. She understood my issue immediately, validated that the issue should have been resolved overnight and escalated it for me promptly. I appreciate that she did not blow me off but cared enough to help me solve this promptly. I have never met Cindy and only interacted with her over the phone for less than 10 minutes, but I can tell she embodies our Health System's values and beliefs and truly is all about being a team player. What a phenomenal team member you have. She truly is an asset to our team."

—ICU Nurse feedback

"Just wanted to acknowledge all the hard work, planning and execution you performed for the clinicals upgrade. I've been in radiology for almost 30 years and have to tell you that I'm super impressed with the attention to detail you put into the upgrade planning. From the start when the testing began, through the planning weekly conference calls, to the execution of the upgrade last night, you've put your heart into ensuring that all bases were covered, that everyone possible was notified, and that every possible scenario was thought out to the fullest degree.

You honestly worked your tail off and it shows. You coordinated so many intricate details and left nothing to chance. Through it all, you were cheerful, polite, open to questions and concerns, and you really made everyone feel that no question was too stupid to ask. Bottom line— you rocked it out."

—Hospital Radiologist feedback

"I worked clinically yesterday submitting a few help desk tickets, and I just have to tell you that the Stoltenberg Epic service line worked very well. (And you know how much it takes to impress me). They let me tell them the issue before asking me questions. They looked at my screen and took screenshots, which is a totally different experience than the regular help desk. Kudos. It's totally worthwhile for their service. No joke. They even took multiple tickets on one call— a very efficient process on this end."

—Hospital Physician feedback

Learn How to Elevate Rapid Clinician Support

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Elevate Rapid Clinician Support

To learn how Stoltenberg’s 3x Best in KLAS FlexSourcing IT support program can immediately elevate the clinician experience, or to hear directly from a current health system, contact our executive team today.